As-salāmu ʿAlaykum,
I am delighted to welcome you to the London Institute of Islamic Studies.
The Institute has been established with a vision to provide essential and advanced levels of Islamic education to enable Muslims in improving their knowledge of Islam whilst living a God-centred life in the West. We aim to do this by ensuring the broad and diverse curriculum we provide is universally accessible, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.
We hope to be conscious of the needs of Muslims living in the West in the modern era. By providing a comprehensive educational curriculum for people of all abilities and levels of knowledge, we believe we can overcome the challenges facing Muslims today and in the future. We strongly believe that Islamic educational establishments play a crucial role in strengthening Muslim identity, currently threatened by a number of challenges, by improving understanding of Islam and it’s glorious past, tradition and heritage.
We see ourselves as a caring, friendly and disciplined institution committed to raising standards in the study of Islam by bringing together the best scholarship in this field for students, scholars and community groups.
The Institute strives for academic excellence, spiritual development, fulfilment of potentials and achievements of all our students. We try to focus on the needs of each individual student and aim to nurture each student in order to ensure their journey at the Institute is successful and progressive.
We look forward to welcoming you to the London Institute of Islamic Studies.
Jazāk Allāhu Khayra
Shaykh Iftikhar Daad al-Azhari
Headmaster & Founder